Caniscaeli Setters

Irish Red And White Setters are a "soft" breed and that is the most important thing to remember. They want to please. Be careful not to destroy the bond you need to have with him. If you are training your dog yourself (always the best choice for this breed) use a humane training method. If using a trainer, make sure you choose wisely. Not all trainers will understand the setter personality. If you are learning yourself, the best thing is a trainer who will train you along with your dog. Ask questions, and don't rush the process. Your setter will finish as a willing and exciting worker if the training methods are motivational. Electronic collars may occasionally have their use in certain circumstances and in the hands of experts. But they must never be used by a frustrated or angry owner/trainer. 
Many in this breed are natural retrievers, and/or they back naturally. Some have an instinctive knowledge about handling birds, others need more experience. Use this to your advantage and work motivationally with these traits when you find them.   Whether your aim is for field titles, or a hunting companion, or both, remember that all dogs, and people too, learn by making mistakes. Use your intelligence to discover ways to overcome training problems, rather than resorting to an e-collar first. If the training process is a positive experience, the finished dog should understand the rules of the "game" and want to work for and with you.  

A young Connor is assessed by trainer Mike Wilshire
Tawny's Boy 3 finds, points, and retrieves a wing at 7 weeks.

Connor at 8 months retrieving quail. He's always loved the water.

Connor backs naturally, as many do.

Robin's first bird when he comes to Canada. He's 8 months old.

Robin loves bird hunting.

Kenzie in training.

John & Carolyn Galbraith's Maggie was our Connor's sister.

Shaki in training
Dan pointing. He had his FD.

Ciaran, Dan's brother hunted with owner Susan Hoppe. Ciaran had his Can. FDJ and American JH, as well as a few titles in other disciplines.

Young Artie gets a snootful of quail scent

Artie's first sight point

This time Artie found the quail by scent only, and pointed

No stopping Artie now.

Robin's son,young Daly, finds the wing in the tree.

Field day. Trainer Alex Smith demonstrates on our Cora, how to steady a dog on point.

Trainer Mike Wilshire demonstrates steadying on a 6 months pup, a Connor X Toddy daughter, Twyla.

Twyla wants that bird!
Diane Martineau works with Fiona's brother.

A litter of 7 week puppies sight-point a wing.
Diane Martineau and her special IR&WS, Forex, who was the first of his breed in Canada to attain his FDX, trained and run by Diane.

Diane's Forex.

Diane & Forex receive the final leg of the FDX. Judge Sandy Gunn

Diane's Celine.

Maeve. She also lived to hunt.

Bramble providing the annual Christmas dinner for Nancy.

Michael Poole's Bailey's first grouse.

Michael Poole's Willow as a pup shows promise. Promise fulfilled.

One of our Trea's kids, Casey, loves to hunt with his owner.

Monty demonstrates the "whoa" over chukar at a field day. Monty has his FDJ.

Connor & Fiona's son Ronnie-- intensity. Setters sett.

Kevin & Cindi McDermott's Bob on point.

Bob retrieves his pheasant.

McDermotts' Dan retrieves his pheasant. Dan has his FD.

Happy owners, happy dogs.

A new generation in training. Tom's doing well.

A young Lainie, and Lainie at 14 1/2, still going. Lainie loved to hunt our grove, and was such an excellent pointing dog. She is litter sister to Forex, and has her FD.

Nice point, Poppy! Poppy is Can. Ch. Caniscaeli Pop Song For Eltin FDJ, and is littersister to our Artie (Bertie X Shaki). More about her "In The Show Ring". 

Our Cora at a fun field day. Yes there's a chukar in there!  Cora demo dog for steadying point.
Cora knows where that chukar is. Catch up, Boss!     She's known how to find birds since a very young age.
Caniscaeli Hello Sunshine. (Breccan X Nuala)
Sunny with her first bird at almost 6 months.
Owner and field partner Dr. Bob Aucoin.  



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